Sunday, March 22, 2015

Here we go again!

Well, as is clearly obvious, I have decided to blog again. I really enjoyed blogging my misadventures when I first moved to this tea-loving nation.  However, as with most of my well-intentioned life endeavours, it got left by the wayside as life and work got busier. Now that I have given my job a slight 'tweak' I find myself with something time! I spent the first few months attempting to lower my stressed-out shoulders from my earlobes and discovering how good it feels not to have a teetering tower of dishes permanently stacked in the sink. Now it is March...and the wonders of a clean house, pressed clothes and an organized calendar have worn off and it's time to start something new! Or I suppose something old...I am going to record the wonders of my life!

Changes made to my life since last blogging:
- Married the most amazing man in a rather complex, 3-part, Scottish/Canadian DIY wedding
- Moved from Birmingham to London
- Now eat mainly organic, almost vegetarian (to be explained better in a future post!) and always as unprocessed as possible
- Bought a DSLR camera and I am currently attempting to unlock its' mysteries

I plan to blog about my London adventures, attempts at photography, our new-found healthy-eating life-style, and my love for anything DIY (as long as it doesn't take too attention span resembles a gold fish).

I hope everyone had a great weekend, fingers crossed better weather is on our way!

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